
I am so tired of doing it, lol

If only people could actually think before they spoke. I have decided to quit Twitter. Its not just the Right, or Musk anymore, its also the Left and “Liberals” too. Some of the Left on Twitter are sounding more and more like Trump Supporters every day. One sentence, Biden has no power to do anything, and then the next he’s doing everything. Then I swear I took part in the most ridiculous conversation today.

A disabled women talked about how a 3 year old run up to her service dog, and she had to block the child from reaching/and or pulling at the dog. She looked up at the parents and was like “Come get your kid” they looked up at their phones and the parents said “She’s 3. Then it descended from there. Apparently these days, teaching parents to teach their child about boundaries is “abusive”. If you can’t control your child, to put them on a leash, is a dehumanising. So if you WONT teach your children boundaries, for themselves or others, and you wont make sure they can’t get away from you. You are a crap parent.

The funny part for me, was when I got off of Twitter to go on Facebook. Too see a friend of mines kid, whose only just turned 4, working with their families horses. I had a laugh to myself. I don’t know about you all, I would rather have my child on a leash and be “socially frowned” on. Then them out of control and running to strangers, humans and animals alike, with no sense of boundaries, and putting them in situations where it increases, that they may be a child forever.

You know what I mean?

Parent’s are parents, FIRST. Friends later and when parents have earned it. This seems to be something that has disappeared recently. Parent first, friends later. You are bringing up a human being. You don’t get to be their friend, until they know how to be safe for themselves. You are a parent for life. If you’re lucky, you can eventually be their friend too.

On top of which, what kind of friend would just let their friend increase their chances of being harmed? A bad friend, that’s who.

I am starting to feel like a whining pom, lol…My parents will be proud, lol.


You know how sometimes you look at someone and go “Why did that person turn out like that” and then you see the parents and you go…

I “read” this article about Elon Musk’s mum, Maye.

If you like Elon Musk, you are not going to like the rest of this post, lol. This is your only warning.

When I first saw who she is, it made sense.

Elon Musks father is/was a rich man. Including a emerald mine, Elon didn’t make any money of his own and has essentially bought everything he owns now. He hasn’t invented anything. Except maybe this neuralink. Even that, when you look it up, there are apparently at least seven “other” Scientists. So did he really “invent” that.

His mother is all “He’s so smart and he’s such a genius, and I’m glad he didn’t turn into those smart people who live in his parents basement” The first time I saw Musks mother was on Twitter. Elon was doing a thing where he was going to ban his competitors from Twitter. You know “Mister Free Speech” and all was going to ban something…Anyways, his mother came onto Twitter and was all “well of course he would ban his competitors, that makes good business sense”. Here’s the thing though, her Twitter account at the time, was full of videos she had posted onto her Twitter account, from her sons business competitors.

Elon Musk, might, be a intelligent person, but you don’t prove that by buying everything. You prove your intelligence, by using it. He could literally be the smartest person on the planet, but we’ll never know because he has not proven it.

Thursday Theories – Too parents, in the run up too 2022 and COVID/Omnicron

Now, I may be stepping on a few toes, but I not being a parent of skin babies. I am growing increasingly frustrated, by parents who make every frustration about COVID.

I have seen parents say that their child is frightened by COVID. Well whose bloody fault is that?! The only reason a child is frightened by something, is by parents. These parents COULD take the time to teach their child, about taking care of each other…But nope. I’ve seen politicians with young children, taking their child to a playground, when they know perfectly well that playground’s are OFF limits. Takes a photo of their children and saying how said their kid is because the playground is off limits.

It never works out well for them.

I have seen parents, make a child’s birthday entirely about the restrictions. “Oh how annoying, we had to get eat birthday cake outside”…For the love of GOD, please do not make a 13 year old’s birthday all about that! I actually make a comment saying that if they had fun, no biggie.

Just before Christmas, maybe not even a week. Tasmania had 4 children died, from a freak accident. A bouncy castle took off with the crazy winds we just had here. Be a little bit more than grateful you’re child is alive, healthy and safe. If you don’t have a good perspective, be grateful that others are looking out for yours.

A 4-year-old girl died with COVID-19 hours after showing symptoms in an extremely rare case in Texas

Jumping castle tragedy in Tasmania claims sixth victim, as survivor visits Hillcrest school site

Be a little grateful, is all I’m saying.

Well…Learn something new?

Breastfeeding Mum baby dies after single snake bit 

Hopefully none of you are new parents, but hopefully this will be a learning tool for us all! Apparently not only did a mother die from a snake bite, but she then passed the poison onto her baby through her breast milk.

I’m just having a hard time with how long in-between times was the bite and the feeding of the child?

New Year Resolutions – Too the “bad” parents out there…

I have actually debated posting this one several times, because it such a sensitive topic. I have noticed though that there is a certain type of “parent” though and they seem to be getting worse. I don’t know if it’s just a generation thing, or a hereditary thing or just a lack of discipline thing. It might even be that these days people feel more okay with sharing their parenting on social media.

This isn’t a blog about the parents who’ve had enough, with their…usually…ex-partners. Now I just want to state as well, this comes from a person of a broken home…and although I love my Dad…He can be pretty disrespectful, while at the same time demanding respect. This is a plea from a child who is consistently now watching others go through what she went through. I have noticed a trend though:

  • They tend to never show up when they’re supposed to.
  • They think “spending time” with their kids is a couple of hours here and there.
  • They get angry and act like it’s an inconvenience if they HAVE or NEED to take care of their own children.
  • Funnily enough get really angry if their children decide they don’t want to spend time with them. Bad reflection on them I suppose.
  • They can’t understand (especially later in life) why they don’t have a good relationship with their children.
  • …And them blame their children for the bad relationships.
  • It’s always about “them”.
  • They usually have at least one failed relationship.
  • They tend to think they are “baby sitting” their own children…You are not, you are raising them.
  • They brag to the other parent how the children don’t misbehave with them…Never occurring to them, the kids don’t want to mess up because they want to treasure the little time YOU spend with them.
  • They usually think every else thinks they are a wonderful parent.
  • They think no one else has noticed how much they have failed as a parent.
  • It’s usually very rare that pay any child support and even if they eventually do, they question all the other parents spending…The one that is actually RAISING their children.
  • They think no one else has noticed how much they have failed as a parent.

Sounds like anyone you know?

This is my plea to *those* parents.

The funny thing is I think they genuinely want a good relationship with their children.  They are just usually have too much of an ego and are just generally lazy in their overall life.

Any relationship in your life IS work. You actually have to make an effort with anyone in your life, especially if you want a good relationship. You have to compromise no matter if you have a good relationship with your children, there are times when they are going to be bad or downright disrespectful. Usually when they “act up” they are actually asking for help, they just don’t want to seem “weak”.

Make this the year you make an effort to have a good relationship with your children.

Saving the Barbie!

I have been seeing Barbie copping a lot of flack and I feel like somebody needs to speaks up for her because I find it frustrating. I used to play with Barbie when I was little and I think I turned out, reasonably, alright =P Barbie should be a role model for the imagination which is exactly what I used her for.

She’s a doll, and although I am not a parent and understand I may cop flack for saying “parenting things”. Maybe your biggest fear shouldn’t be a doll. Maybe your biggest fear is thinking that a doll, repeat doll, should be the one teaching your children about their self esteem in the first place? I never once thought that I should look like Barbie, I wanted all her careers, I used my Barbie’s and created many different worlds with them. I use to host a radio show with my Barbies, had them be rock and roll stars, psychic, mummies and daddies. I even learnt about disabilities because my Ken lost his legs. Barbie has had many different careers and many different versions, she (and Ken) how to imagine.

Even with her television show, she’s not a “mean girl”, she’s all about friendships, how to work hard and how to be kind to others? So I am not really sure why suddenly we are putting Barbie in a category she doesn’t belong in?

I think as adults we put too much of our own fears into children and that’s when the problem happens. We do not give children enough credit, they will notice that you “fear” Barbie. Technically shouldn’t you fear ALL dolls then and the self esteem issues that they will give your children?

Stop letting other “things” teach your children, because they learn from us. It never once crossed my mind once to want to look like her? I’m going to be blunt here and maybe some wont like it. If your child has self esteem issues because of a doll, repeat doll, maybe it’s not the dolls fault? Maybe it’s the adults in her life? Maybe we should start taking responsibility again for raising our children?

Most importantly Barbie taught me how to play, by myself and with others.


(Picture Credit: Mattel)

Oshkosh Zoo


You know irritates me the most? It doesn’t even really matter who’s to blame…Why wouldn’t you get the rabies shots! Why should an animal have to do die because of a human mistake. I would have sent the money to pay for the shots myself! Maybe next time (although they shouldn’t have to) the Zoo could possibly pay for the shots? If that was what the problem was. I would say that I hope this a valuable lesson for this mother and her child, but I doubt it.