Gratitude (simple title, but effective)

Daily writing prompt
How do you express your gratitude?

What a great question!

I am not very good with my words, but I do like to give something back in return. That’s how I do it. Its usually something like a small thoughtful gift. I would give money, so that people can buy their own things. I don’t know though, its just feels a little “more” giving someone something that you think might something to them. My Husband, as an example, I tell why him I am grateful for what he did for me, and that usually is enough. Other people I try to buy them a little something, even if its something a simple as flowers.

I have been finding as I get older, when I want to say a thank you type gratitude, I try to get them something cute, but useful. I let them know they can pass it on if they can’t use it or, or find themselves in a jam for someone else. That kind of thing.

Bye, Bye

I have made a final decision, bye bye to Twitter. Although I can recognise that I get a lot of my information from there, that is just not on mainstream media. It is just a mess. You’ve got Democrats acting like Trump Supporters and Trump Supporters acting like Trump supporters (haha).

It is just a mess. What I’m going to do, is not deactivate my account, keep it, but just not go on it. I know I can do that, because it is really horrible on there. It is really tiring to be on there, I can’t imagine what its like day-to-day in America right now. The beauty of America is the Freedom to vote, or not, if they don’t believe or agree in a candidate. You cannot ask Muslim, Young, POC or LGBT Americans to vote for Biden, if they have the morals to say no to Genocide. Its not up to the voters to make sure a Candidate is doing the right thing, the politicians don’t vote for us, we vote for them.

It is up to the Democrats to put forward a candidate that Democrats WANT to vote for. There are perfectly fine Democrat candidates, that for one, don’t agree with the Genocide. In Australia, if I don’t vote I get fined. Be grateful America that you have a luxury of being able to demand better for and from your politicians without ‘getting into trouble. Biden is the EASY choice, not the better choice.

Growing with Gratitude – Day 7

And Fierce created this tag a few years ago and has been doing it in some form every year. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Finding even the smallest thing you can be thankful for is a blessing.

Every day for seven days, you post one thing that you are grateful for or how gratitude was shown in your day. To Grow the Gratitude, each day tag a couple people to help it grow. We spend a lot of time always hearing the negativity on the news, social media, or wherever, so let’s make it a little bit more thankful.


  • Have fun
  • Show Gratitude
  • Be sincere
  • Post every day, for seven days, something that you were thankful for that day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be simple. Or it could be how you showed gratitude to someone or vice versa.
  • Tag a few fellow bloggers to Grow the Gratitude
  • Give a shout out to me, who created the tag and the person who tagged you to join! –

Day 7 – Gratitude

I can honestly say that this past week, has made me very grateful for my entire life. From beginning to end. Even with the “craziness” of this week, and the foolishness of others this week to. To sit back and reflect on it this week, I have had a really good life. There’s a reason why I can look beyond stuff. There’s a reason why I can mostly ignore my dad, haha. The bad and the good, something right happened, at some point.

Also Henry Kissinger is dead…

Grow the Gratitude – Day 5

And Fierce created this tag a few years ago and has been doing it in some form every year. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Finding even the smallest thing you can be thankful for is a blessing.

Every day for seven days, you post one thing that you are grateful for or how gratitude was shown in your day. To Grow the Gratitude, each day tag a couple people to help it grow. We spend a lot of time always hearing the negativity on the news, social media, or wherever, so let’s make it a little bit more thankful.


  • Have fun
  • Show Gratitude
  • Be sincere
  • Post every day, for seven days, something that you were thankful for that day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be simple. Or it could be how you showed gratitude to someone or vice versa.
  • Tag a few fellow bloggers to Grow the Gratitude
  • Give a shout out to me, who created the tag and the person who tagged you to join! –

Day 5 – Fur “babies”:

I am grateful for all my fur, feathery and scaly “babies”. Every single one of them. They’ve all meant something different to me, but all very in a meaningful way. I have had Budgerigar, dogs, cat, frill neck lizard and a Iguana (they were with my American ‘beau’. They are illegal to own as pets pretty much everywhere else) and rats. I loved them all. They are all always in my heart, My cousins and I even had a little “nature” club when we were little. We meant well, but the millipedes and caterpillars always died =/.

I was inspired to write this post today, after I saw a whole bunch of “adults”. Write about how children should be allowed to be children, and be able to run up to strangers pets and service dogs. Suddenly I was evil and hate children because I said children need to have boundaries, for their own safety. Its a very basic foundation to teach children about boundaries, and if you can’t, put them on a leash, lol. Possibly. If you don’t WANT to teach your children, boundaries, then maybe you should consider a leash. May sound harsh, but its YOUR JOB AS A PARENT, to protect your child. Which means teaching them boundaries, to protect them.

I don’t hate children, but we, as the adults, need to recognise what we are teaching our children. Which includes respecting animals and the fact that may have a bad day. You wouldn’t be okay with your child running up to strange humans, so why strange animals? Its not about valuing animals more than the lives of humans, its about valuing the safety of your child, more than your ego of being parent shamed. All these people are like “The child is only 3”. Well, with your attitude, that child has a increased risk of being 3 forever.

Grow the Gratitude – Day 2

And Fierce created this tag a few years ago and has been doing it in some form every year. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Finding even the smallest thing you can be thankful for is a blessing.

Every day for seven days, you post one thing that you are grateful for or how gratitude was shown in your day. To Grow the Gratitude, each day tag a couple people to help it grow. We spend a lot of time always hearing the negativity on the news, social media, or wherever, so let’s make it a little bit more thankful.


  • Have fun
  • Show Gratitude
  • Be sincere
  • Post every day, for seven days, something that you were thankful for that day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be simple. Or it could be how you showed gratitude to someone or vice versa.
  • Tag a few fellow bloggers to Grow the Gratitude
  • Give a shout out to me, who created the tag and the person who tagged you to join! –

On Day 2, I would like to give the tiniest bit of credit to social media. In the only way that is possible, which is, that it keeps us in contact with those we care about and mostly for free. I have been able to involve a lot of my family over the last few months, who live internationally (as well as interstate) Whereas before you would write a letter, pick one or two photos from a wedding. Now people can pick whatever pictures they’d like.

Do you know what I mean? The ease of access to family and friends. I also like it because it can be a good support system for small businesses especially. Since I don’t have a small business right now. For me, its ease of access to contact family and friends.

I would like to be clear though, its the only thing I like about social media. Everything else about it, pretty much just sucks. Its the least social “thing” ever created, lol.

Grow the Gratitude – Day 1

And Fierce created this tag a few years ago and has been doing it in some form every year. Sometimes it’s just the little things. Finding even the smallest thing you can be thankful for is a blessing.

Every day for seven days, you post one thing that you are grateful for or how gratitude was shown in your day. To Grow the Gratitude, each day tag a couple people to help it grow. We spend a lot of time always hearing the negativity on the news, social media, or wherever, so let’s make it a little bit more thankful.


  • Have fun
  • Show Gratitude
  • Be sincere
  • Post every day, for seven days, something that you were thankful for that day. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be simple. Or it could be how you showed gratitude to someone or vice versa.
  • Tag a few fellow bloggers to Grow the Gratitude
  • Give a shout out to me, who created the tag and the person who tagged you to join! –

I was reminded again this week, how badly I was treated during the wedding process this year. I am grateful to my partner for watching me fall apart several times, and still wanting to marry me. When my partner first asked me to marry him, I wanted to marry him, because I wanted to be a legal “official’ family with him. Even if we never got legal, I would still consider him to be my family and hubby, hehe. During the wedding process, it become even clearer than I really don’t NEED a certificate for him to be my family. I am SO grateful for him being a part of my life.

I have never felt more grateful for someone in my life before, haha. It really does feel like just us two these days. I was always, you don’t need someone to make you whole. I have to admit though, I would have felt extremely empty if my partner hadn’t supported me these last few months. There has to be a term where you do believe that another person can’t make you whole, but their support does.

Nurture Thursday – Gratitude & Thanksgiving

Nurt Thurs – Gratitude and Thanksgiving

While Australians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. Personally, I am still very grateful and thankful that we’ve managed to make this far and not completely lose our minds. Or our kindnesses for others. We may have lost some people and furries along the way this year, but we’re all still kind. We haven’t, like some others, giving into grief and fear, and this year, that has been more important than ever!

Share Your World – 9/11/2020

Share Your World – 11/9/2020


  •  Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?

Depends on the surprise to be honest. My partner remembering a figurine that I wanted on my birthday, when I had forgotten. I wanted it around Christmas, but it definitely wasn’t going to come out then. My partners mother showing up unannounced every time she’s in town, not such a nice surprise. She’s lovely, don’t get me wrong. But the amount of times we’ve been going out somewhere and we’ve had to cancel. She doesn’t send a text, she just rocks up. She lives three hours away, so it’s not like she’s popping in all the time. Last time I knew she was going to be around, I nearly bought extra food for her, but she never ended up staying, lol. The problem is we don’t know when she’s coming down either, she doesn’t actually tell anyone either way.

  • What’s your favorite zoo animal?

It’ll always be the Lion/Lionesess. Like others though, I have hate/love relationships with Zoos. Some zoos out there are absolutely shocking, and the animals would actually have a better chance being free than in those places. Some Zoo’s though do actually really good work with conservation. During the up coming Christmas/Summer holidays, were planning on going to Monarto Zoo. Where you … the human … go into the cage while the Lions walk over you, well not literally on you of course. They even have a baby rhino you can “meet”, but I think that ends before we plan on going.

  •  What three things do you think of the most each day?

At the moment, when will this pain sciatica end. Will it ever go away.

Okay, don’t eat far too much today. You’re doing great and you’re stomach hasn’t been in pain for a month now…Keep going!

Underwear…Yes or Nay, lol

‘Deep’ Question

When, if ever, is taking a human life justified?

As others have said, I have no problem with euthanasia for people. After watching my Grandfather die of MRSA getting into his lungs. I don’t know how one couldn’t. We do it for our pets, because they’re in pain. Why we don’t for humans, who are terminal in pain and tired of fighting. Why we don’t, I don’t know. Saying that, I couldn’t actually do it myself.

Is it bad as well, that when I hear prolific child molesters getting killed in jail. I don’t feel bad. I also have no idea how I’d be if I saw someone trying to kill a child, or my someone I care about. I think, in the moment, I could.

Attitude of Gratitude Section (Always Optional)

Do small miracles exist? 

Oh absolutely! You don’t have to look hard to find them either.


Share Your World – 02/11/2020

Share Your World – 11/02/2020


Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

Lord Of The Rings Eating GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I love ALL my meals. There are some days where I look more forward to one more than the other. Like Christmas morning, even though we have a huge lunch. We have a really yummy breakfast, it changes from year to year. But we always have a nice breakfast, before we head off to my Aunts for the big lunch. No wonder, I always fall asleep, lol.

Who do you admire most in the world?

I probably admire my Great Grandfather the most. He passed when I was about 2/3 years old. Too this day though, he still influences me. Every now and then I find something that he was interested in, that I too am interested in. He loved taking his daughter (my Gran) to plays, loved Shakespeare and he loved the Ancient Greeks. Before he passed, he was trying to learn Greek, to travel and see the sites. We found a book full of scribblings of his. That was only in my 20’s that we found that.

With the obvious restrictions in place, what do you regret not doing in the last year?

Learning how to draw earlier. I’m starting to get that feeling that I’ve wasted a lot of the year. It’s been hard to motivate myself. I’ll have days where I’ll start something, but then, there’s always that excuse to stop.


Feel free to share something you’re grateful for.  


You…My sane blogging community!

Share Your World…28/09/20

Share Your World…9-28-2020


Where do you feel most at home?  Please be more specific than “at home, doh” please. It could be a room in your home, a person, a location…    

I wish I hadn’t said anything now!lol…However, I was thinking about this question a lot. I think that where I feel most at home, where ever my heart feels the safest. See, I have my anxiety attacks when I feel uncomfortable or unsafe. So when I don’t feel like I’m about to have a heart attack, I must feel safe there.

Alan Rickman Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?   

Well I’m scared of horses, and I’m still learning to drive. Riding a bike, would also help to get me healthier =D

What song would you sing on “Karoke Night” (if you were forced to do so)?    

I don’t really have a “song”. I just like to drink and then sing to anything. I do seem to sing to Bon Jovi at lot though. Not well, mind you,lol

University or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life?  

Probably life itself. While University is great if you want to become say a teacher, or a doctor, or part of a trade. How many times have we seen though, people with degrees or doctorates coming from say Harvard or Yale, just not really actually good with people.

IT’S AN ATTITUDE – GRATITUDE!  (Participation Always Optional Of Course)

What are you grateful for?


Too be able to breath, and know I’ve got those close.