
I have done something that is really frightening to me, but at the same time, is rather exciting and I don’t even know what if it’s going to happen…Or what I even have to offer!

At my work place it has slowed right down, right down that, at the moment, we are not even getting one day a week. So I am trying to find something else at the moment. One of things that I have fallen back too is volunteering in the area of work that I REALLY want to work in…Library work.

I What I Want What I Really Really Want GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

When I have gotten myself into though, I  AM so nervous and haven’t done nothing like this before. They don’t have any room for library Volunteers, but they were thinking of making a gardening, technology and writing club…I said that I’d be interested in the Writing Club and now I don’t know why!

What do I know about writing?

I mean, I write this Blog…But I am not an expert by any means! I don’t even know if it’s really going to happen…At the same time though, I REALLY want to do it as well!. It excites me as well, but what do I know about any of this?

Where do I go? Is there a site I could too? Is this a sign that I should be writing more?! Start actually “publishing” and really working on the stories that I write?

Cyber Monday

Oh my Goodness there are so many things I actually don’t mind Australia taking one “thing” from American and that would be Black Friday and Cyber Monday…I cannot tell a lie…It is fantastic with all the deals that come out at this time of year. I usually know what presents I want to get for people and I do not go out to the shops at this time. Although a delivery cost is annoying, I really do feel like it’s worth it.

What I also wanted to write about though is what else we can do as a community to help others who are not fortunate during this times. There are so many different services out there that do help those and I wanted to write about what you can do also. I’m hopefully going to expand this to different countries, depending on what I can find.

Of course we all know that we can volunteer your time to help at volunteers and shelters. There are a large variety of these. You can also help families by setting donations, after all help doesn’t just have to stop at Christmas:



30 Days of Gratitude…Days 1 – 7

Day 1: New Hope  – Today was a weird day as originally I had a full day and night full of things to do and then over the last couple of weeks there became rapidly less to do, till finally all I had left to do was to attend a wedding ceremony which was only lasting an hour. Watching this lovely young couple made me realise how much I want to get married with the right person at the right time.

Then it occurred to me that I am not bitter towards my ex, or indeed any ex or any past relationship. “It is better to have a broken heart, than no heart at all” as my favourite Doctor in the whole wide world says. It was then that it occurred to me that I am so grateful to have heart that has gone through so much and yet it is so full of love. Whereas I have seen so many that turn bitter and cold and you can see how it is destroying their lives. I am grateful for my heart.

Day 2: My Mum – I know this sounds like a really sappy one, but it’s the truth! I have a great Mum! I realised this as she was picking me up from a far away place so I didn’t have to taxi back. I have decided to surprise her and take my Learners as a special Christmas present to her (I have to pass obviously). So it’s going to be a secret until I’ve passed. It may not seem like much to a lot of people, but I know how much it’ll mean to my Mum =D I’m hoping to have passed it by the end of this month, so I can show her right at the beginning of December. I am grateful that I have such a caring mother.

Day 3: A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met – I haven’t written friends or best friends because sometimes it can be people who we don’t know very well that can surprise us the most. Take today for example, I had a unexpected break down in feeling like a failure because I don’t feel like I am progressing through this year as I would have liked. I expected by the end of this year that I was going to have my dream job and my dream man. I have come SO close to having both and lost both through no fault of my own. Today though I had a bit of a break down on Facebook and I received this message from someone who I added but haven’t spoke too, and they sent me a private message about how they were shocked with how much I thought that I was failing. They let me know that it was sad to read because I send such a positive message on Facebook and they had no idea how badly I had been feeling. We had a good chat and I was so grateful that someone reached out when I needed a good chat the most.

Day 4: Volunteer Work – I am just grateful for the volunteer work that I’ve been allowed to do. My co-workers believe in me so much that they keep giving me different tasks to do and it makes my Library skills so much stronger. I wonder how much responsibility would they give me, if I was just a casual worker? I love where I volunteer and I am grateful to my co-workers to inspire me and remind of the hard work I put in, especially when I’ve given up on myself. When I feel like I am getting nowhere in my work, this reminds me of how much better I’m becoming.

Day 5: The Laughs – So I am having a really hard time with a project, it just never seems to end and in the middle of “about to blow my own mind up” a friend sent me a picture that made me laugh really loudly (in a cafe =S) I am so grateful for friends that don’t just ignore when I say “I’m about to explode” and they ignore…They actually try to make me laugh. Sometimes all I need is that 5 minutes of pure laughter. I am also doubly grateful that over this entire last year I have found those friends..SO much gratefulness!

Day 6: My ex – What a weird concept to be grateful for an ex! My first love (we’ll name him Reno) and I were together for about 3 years, the break up wasn’t really messy between us. However, there was a girl who created a lot of problems and it ended up badly. After a few years though we reconnected and now he is one of my best friends and I am so grateful for that! He keeps proving to me that he knows me better than anyone and gives me amazing guy advice. The last couple of months have been rough for me and he never seems to be mind when I get upset with men in general. I’ve been talking to him this past week and he knows not to keep going on about my last ex, but he keeps a conversation going. I realised a lot of people only seem to talk to me when they think I’m down rather than just having a normal conversation (or when they want something). Not Reno though, I didn’t realise until I started thinking about this whole grateful thing. Sometimes a “normal conversation” can be just what I need, so not everything is still about “him”.

Day 7: Books – It felt like such a funny thing to be grateful about. I am so grateful that I have had a good education to read the books that I enjoy. There are so many people out there that do not have the some luxuries that I have been able to have in my life. One of these is a good education which means that I am able to read the books that I enjoy and love so much. That gives my mind a break from the “real world”.
