World Lion Day

Lions have always been my favourite wild type animals, ever since I watched the “Lion King”. I just loved the idea of having a Pride and having a strong father type like Mufasa. I am SO excited for the “live action” film, no one can play Mufasa like James Earl Jones can!

Last year I actually bought this bracelet and it’s one of my favourite bracelets, the colour is just so gorgeous! Please look up the “Original Sahara Bracelets”. They give a percentage of the sales to conservation work, I don’t believe that it’s specifically for Lions, it’s just towards the African Wildlife Foundation in general.

I LOVE the blue colouring in this bracelet.

I actually have another bracelets like this but the other one I found in a cheap type store and it also has a Buddha face on it. I might edit this post later, if I think if it’s appropriate.

In just two days from now as well it will be World Elephant Day (please press the link to pledge) I will be writing about that too this weekend. I love Elephants, they are so utterly gorgeous and I’ve never really seen an “evil” elephant. I’ve seen a lot of angry ones, but that’s usually because us Humans have done something.

I feel like I have been fortunate to be able to watch this live Ustream/YouTube feed that I am obsessed with called Safari Live” I have learnt even MORE from this wonderful program about all sorts of wonderful animals from Africa. Prey and Predator.

Share Your World … Week 37

Share Your World

Share Your World … Week 37

(I’m just warning you all, this ones a bit long!)

Have you ever owned a rock, pet rock, or gem that is not jewellery?

I don’t think that I have really ever owned a pet rock or jem that is Jewellery. I do remember once someone giving me a very pretty rock that was painted beautifully, but I never considered it to be a pet. I had a lot of plush toys, so I never really needed a rock pet, I guess?

What is your greatest strength or weakness?

Strength – A lot of people say that I am one of those people who is just there for others. I think it’s one of my strengths, sometimes I don’t even realise how weird it is how I’m there for people. One particular situation that stood out was after I broke up with an ex, there were all these girls who thought he was going to date them…And he didn’t, and they all came to me, trying to hurt me initially I guess, to get back at him? I managed to turn it around and ended up being their friend. I felt kind of bad for them really, he cheated on me with all these girls, but he also clearly made them feel like they were “the one”. He didn’t seem to really care how much he had led them on either. I helped them and I was over him before they were.

Weakness – As strong as I feel these days and I feel I can stand more on my own when it comes to my point of views and beliefs. I wish I just didn’t have so many “triggers”! There are some topics, especially on Facebook where I still get really wound up and get emotional with people and their comments, instead of just ignoring it. I recently unliked a page because of their refusal to even acknowledge, that men do in fact suffer from family and domestic violence.

What makes you feel grounded? 

Spending some times with my furbabies, they just want love really…Except for the cat, sometimes he just want food and for me to let him in and out of the house (we rent, so we can’t put in a cat flap). Other then them, I love having a shower and/or bath and listen to music that takes me away, like Enya, anything Celtic, anything “mythical”, if that is even a music genre,lol.

Would you rather never be able to eat warm food or never be able to eat cold food?

I think I would rather not eat cold food again, although a lot of salads are “cold”…Or are they more neutral? I love having hot food during Winter, it makes me feel warm on the inside, which then radiates through the rest of me. Whereas I don’t really feel like that with cold food, except for maybe ice blocks/ice cream.

Share Your World … Week 5

Share Your World

If you had a shelf for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronic devices and things stored on them, people or animals), what would you put on it?

  1. Would have to be my special figurines. I have a couple from the Jim Shore.
  2. There are couple of pieces of jewellery that I have either gotten for people (in memoriam) or been given that I treasure.
  3.  I have a few favourite books as well that I’ve had for years. Whenever I “re-find” them in a box I am just so happy.

If you had a box labelled ‘happiness’, what would you put in it?

Oh my goodness, what a great question! If it’s just a box, I would have so many photos in there. Possibly some favourite pieces of jewellery. Bookmarks and some of my favourite pens, maybe a wig or two,lol.

What do you want more of in your life?

I want a more steady job with more of a steady income. It’s getting really frustrating not knowing how many shifts I’m getting coming in and so I don’t always know how much money I’m getting coming in. If I could have that, I swear everything in my life would be pretty much perfect.

Daily Life List: What do you do on an average day? Make a list of your usual activities you do each day.

  • Take all my medication (at the moment it’s all just natural stuff, nothing serious).
  • Depending where I am a cuddle with either my puppy or my partners cat (he’s a weird cat, he really loves to cuddle,lol).
  • Probably some Blogging of course.
  • I usually will play some kind of computer game, even if it’s only for a little while.
  • I will usually watch either Petes Phone (Ustream) or Djuma Cam (Ustream). Especially on the days that I miss the safari live drives. They are pretty much now a great form of meditation for me. I’ll just have one of them on in the background.