Never been cool

I thought that this was a good one to carry on with after this mornings post.

This may astound a lot of you to know, I have never been cool. I know, it’s completely shocking, right! The thing is, I really don’t mind.

All the people who are popular, well, they seem to have a lot of issues. I guess that’s why my self esteem is pretty alright, I’ve already had to look out for me. I didn’t get excuses for my “behaviour”, in fact sometimes if my brother did something, we both got told off.

Then with my friends in high school, people liked me, I was a quite good girl. In fact, more people remember me from my Primary school then my high school! lol. I could “slip into” any group that I wanted too.

If I have children, I want them to learn that being popular isn’t the most important thing in life, it can be quiet constricting sometimes. It’s very rare to be popular and not feel the pressure to be what everyone else wants you too be. So don’t go out of your way to achieve popularity, achieve to be the best you can be =D

Thursday Theories: Too cool, not to be cool

I was inspired to write this post after reading both Smile for the Camera [socs] by Paula Light’s Writing Site and Part of me by Rachel Mankowitz (check them both out!). Funnily enough, they both wrote their posts on the same day, and I spent the rest of my day, trying to think and break down my thoughts

When you get a chance, please check out Rachel Minkowitz’s Young Adult novel, Yeshiva Girl, on Amazon.

When you get a chance, please check out Paula’s books for sale on Amazon.

Thank you ❤

As with both these lovely ladies, I too … Have never understood the whole popularity or “what is cool” things

I know…It is shocking

Shows like Buffy, Sex in the City, Angel, E.R. etc … I love them, but when they first came out … I didn’t start watching them until a couple of seasons in. The only show I can remember watching when everyone else did, was Dawson’s Creek…You know something? I really don’t like it that much now.

Joey’s annoying

Dawson’s annoying

Pacey can be annoying…

Too be honest I still don’t understand what they were talking about. What kind of teenagers were they!

See, I don’t mind not being popular, now that I’m older.

Everyone I know or knew, who one might consider “popular”. They’re all horrible, and in hindsight, they always were. What about yourselves?

So lovely ladies and jellyspoons … Who wants to be popular!

The Old Fashioned Way

I know that being the old “fashion” way isn’t always cool anymore…

Sometimes though old fashion is the way! That full circle thing …

Young people play Bowls,

Drinking tea, as since the beginning of time, as calmed people

Nothing more than lovely than a bunch of flowers (trust me, my partner never buys them for me, I buy them for my mum a lot) lol

Reading books to find out information

Pen Pals! I have two now =D

Picnic…Although there is nothing comfortable about them, I still love to do one.

Home made cooking and or baking … There’s nothing quiet like it.

Why I really like Beyonce

Other than the obvious, that she is just WAY cooler than I ever will be,lol

I just love her art and how she expresses herself. I know that she gets a lot of slack for how she sometimes her portray herself…But I love it! You take the 2017 Grammy Awards and how she got a lot of flack because some people were asking “Does she think she’s a God” … Clearly Beyonce doesn’t think she’s a “God” It’s called creativity you dingle berries Do you ask Pablo Picasso “Does he think he’s a cube?”

Picture Source: (Look at the smile)

Too me Beyonce is just a Queen of Creativity, everything she does is creative and not the set standard creativity either. She does things out of the box…Which is why I love Beyonce, I love waiting to see what she’ll do next!


I promise I wont tell ~.^

We all know that we have one secret that we don’t want others to know about. Being apart of the Nerd/Geek community is no different. Every person I know that is apart of it has that one “thing” that is still nerdy, but would be deemed “uncool” by the other Nerds. So we don’t tell the anyone else about it.

Now I consider myself to have a “Safe Blog” I’m not going too try and hunt you down and stalk your various Internet social media and rat you out. I would really love to know what your guilty nerdy pleasure is though. Even you may not consider yourself a “nerd” or a “geek” do you have a guilty nerdy pleasure?

I guess if I’m asking you too share, I should probably share myself. Many probably know that I have a “childlike” quality. One thing that has never really truly grown out of me is my love for plushies or soft toys. Over the years I have had to cut down on my plush toys, because it’s not acceptable for a grown adult to have any. So to remedy this, I get “nerdy” plushies. Most recently I was given a Harley Quinn plush for Christmas. It is amazing how it’s “alright” to get plushies when they are “nerdy”lol … If my plush toys could talk, I would have to get rid of them!
