
Too be completely honest with you all, when I first heard of “Mindfulness” I thought it was something to do with day dreaming.


I was clearly wrong…

Mindfulness is learning the ability to be present in the present moment. So when you have a anxiety moment/or moments. You are able to train and discipline yourself to calm yourself. Be in the moment.

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment,[1][2][3] which one can develop through the practice of meditation and through other training. – Wikipedia (Mindfulness)

Mindfulness is about being present in the moment.

Some ideas on how to help being in the moment:

  • Understand when you first start to practice Mindfulness, you are not an expert. Expect to get distracted still.
  • Concentrate on what’s happening around you – Noises, smells
  • Try and not be judgmental about what you see, smell.
  • Notice what is in your immediate vicinity. How do your fingers feel on the surface your sitting on.

Do not worry if you start to drift off, and you don’t necessarily want to have a complete blank mind.

Being Aware, in that moment.

7 thoughts on “Mindfulness

  1. The first time I heard about Mindfulness was a decade ago and the lecturer spoke sssooo zenfully that my attention at that time couldn’t follow it haha. Funny enough mindfulness became a big part of my life. I just uploaded a free psychology class about it on my blog in case you are interested 🙂 Wishing you a great weekend!

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