
A lot of bigot people just do not have it.

Which is why they fall very easily for propaganda.

And it never stops amazing me how many people, being rich = a good person. When most of the time, it is very much the opposite of that. How jealous we are because they’re so good looking and rich, and have successful…

Well you may be rich, good looking (well a little bit) and have a great career.

But you’re still a terrible person, haha.

Being rich, good looking and a great career, doesn’t mean for a second that you’re a good person.

I could be the poorest of the poor, no career and be “ugly”, and I would still be a better person than you.

Because that’s how self-esteem works.

The anti-trans people may have the Republicans, the Tories, the Religious Right Christians and a lot of the right mainstream media’s ear. But I have the majority of people who stand with me when I say “trans rights are human rights”. That makes me the richest, the best looking and the best life ever!

So when you say to someone like me, after your “tweet” got 3000 “likes” of people who think cis is offensive (that’s pathetic by the way). You laugh and say to me “How does it feel to be part of a minority” I can reply “I’m not”, because one, I don’t NEED Twitter likes to determine who or who not is correct. Two, I’m not part of a minority and I can show all the facts and figure. You’ve got anon twitter accounts. Thirdly, I’m a straight white cis woman, I have a LOT of privileges and that shows a distinct lack of morality to call me a “minority”, because you got a lot of Twitter likes. That’s not what a minority is.

Also there are 330million twitter users.

6 thoughts on “Self-Esteem

  1. “Every person is a gift, and as such are so much more than their jobs, their possessions, or bloated bank accounts. It seems the more we take, the less we become; the fortune of one can only equate with less for some. Love, the greatest thing in life, and are the feelings of the heart.” โ€”Thomas Slatin, Belong

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