30 Day Writing Challenge

As we head more and more into Winter, I think I do get the Winter blues. So to give myself something to be distracted with. I am going to do a 30 day writing challenge. This one I found on Pinterest, and it come from the website Life, Entirely.

30 day writing challenge

I am going to attempt to do these every day. I will start off with the first one today

10 things that make me/you happy:

  1. Sunshine
  2. Warm Weather…Not hot!
  3. Comedy shows/movies
  4. The furkitty
  5. The not so furry humans.
  6. Music – I only wish there was some way to listen to music, and some way to listen to the songs you’re in the mood for.
  7. Lasagne
  8. Books – Once again, I wish I could read something when I’m in the mood for it. Rather than feeling like I have to stick with a certain book at a time.
  9. The Beach
  10. Can I have LotR and the Hobbit?

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