20 Questions –

20 Questions

Technically it is now my birthday in Adelaide, Australia. I think everywhere else it’s nearly my birthday. As I think that the majority of my readers are from the UK and the US. I stole this from “View from the Back“. Who was asked to do it by “Mrs Suvi’s Blog“. All the way back in November last year! Please go and check out both these blogs, they are fantastic writers! I always think these kind of things to do are fun to do them on Birthdays. Get to know myself a little better and I get to see if anything has changed in the past year.

Your most memorable fancy dress costume?

I’d have to say that it was for my own 30th birthday party. I LOVE to dress up, I always wanted to be an actor. With my 30th birthday party, I decided to give a twist on the Moulin Rouge, and called it “Fantasy Rogue”. Too, dress-up as your favourite character from anywhere, but put a Moulin Rouge theme on it. This was my costume.

Harley Quinn Rogue
Can you guess who I might have been?

Which social media platform do you use the most?

Oh it definitely differs, if you follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Insta. You’ll see me make posts saying I have to stay off for a few days. I do, but since I do it with all my platforms, I don’t think think there’s a single one that I’m on the most.

Favourite season

Without a doubt, it’d have to be Spring, without a doubt. It’s always after Winter, so it’s the first time you see sun again and sunlight again. It starts to feel warm, Spring is about new life. It’s warm, but it’s not overly hot. Everybody wants to go out. Here in Australia, our Spring is JUST before Christmas.

If you had to choose the beach or mountains, which would it be?

I have always loved both of these. Mountains give me the inspiration to write and Beaches give me the inspiration to relax, so it’s very hard for me to choose.

What can you play very well?

Does “The Sims” count?

What kind of cheese do you like?

Oh, I LOVE Swiss cheese. Like the ones from the brand of  Jarlsberg.

Life goal

I would love to run a SUCCESSFUL online business, so I can get out, help provide for my family. During this time in the time of the virus, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I can do. Problem is, you need money and a really good idea that will catch onto the public to have this happened. I was thinking of doing drawing, since I have a big imagination and I am constantly spending money for other people to draw my ideas. Why not start doing it myself?

I also need to believe in myself more,lol.

How many cities have you lived in?

2…I have lived in Adelaide, South Australia my whole life. The other place was Arizona in America, that was mainly though because I had a long…VERY long distance relationship. You know those people who travel to America on a visiting visa, and then never come back? That could have been me, but I’m a good girl.

What language do you wish you could speak?

I do wish that I could speak Spanish. It’s always a language I have loved listening too. I make fun of the French accent. I love the Irish accent, but that’s not really a different language. I do wish I could speak Gaelic too though.

What can’t you stand?

I’ve realised over the years, that I can’t stand people who harm animals and children, especially if it’s malicious and cruel.

If you have an hour to kill on your hands, what would you do?

I am probably reading, or possibly playing a game. I might go through some of my blogs, make sure they are up to date. I might even bake something like cookies, or a cake.

Your favourite routine?

My favourite routine, is surprisingly enough, to clean. I really enjoy spending having a day to just clean. I find that sometimes, I have to do different things on different days. But I just love having a day where I can just…not sit,lol…But get up and just clean the whole house, wash all the clothes, make sure the dishes are washed. All on the same day.

When do you become hyperactive?

I think after I’ve had a any kind of raspberry soft drink. Yes, I am now 36 and I still love to drink raspberry soft drink.

Text message or phone call?

Oh, text message. The only time I will ring is if I need some things clarify and/or texting will take far too long.

Your most precious treasure.

I treasure people more than things, but in all honesty my most precious treasure are these two: My Mufasa and Sarabi. Mufasa I’ve had since I was about 12-13, Sarabi about a week now,lol. I’ve been looking for a Sarabi since I had gotten Mufasa, but had no idea until recently that Disney actually sold this plush one. Which she is the perfect size to my Mufasa! They are perfect sizes for cuddling and you can rest your head on their backs and read.


Your latest foreign language mistake.

I’m not sure if I have made any lately? I constantly though have to reread people’s comments though, where it’s obvious English is their second language. So I like try to read their comment a couple of times before I reply.

What’s the best therapy for you?

Reading, gaming, just heading for a walk, or even just walking around the shops. Not actually buying anything, just wandering. That also depends though what the weather is like, I hate going for a walk in Winter.

If you could be a fictional character, who would you be?

Whenever I really enjoy a book, tv show or movies. I always imagine a character that I could be, that I feel could fit into the fiction. So for example, Lord of the Rings. I have imagined several times being a Sorceress that travels with the fellowship. Even though Pippen is my favourite character in the movie, I fancy the pants off of Legolas/Orlando Bloom. So I always imagined that my character was a love interest, but elves and sorceresses don’t like each other. My character’s mothers wasn’t just a sorceress, but she was also the Dark Queen who served with Sauron. My character also can’t use her magic, otherwise she may turn dark, so she’s skilled in swords and bows. She was also taught by Beorn, how to work and talk with animals, and she was given to Beorn from the Ents. Who couldn’t keep up with her upbringing. Her mother feared her child would be persecuted by elves, by men and by Sauron himself, so she hid her child with the Ents.

I wont go into more details, because it’s starts to get interesting with her in the Hobbit. But it’d bore you all,lol.

The movie came out in 2001, I’ve had a LOT of time to think about it.

The Lord Of The Rings GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Where would you like to travel?

I would love to see Greece, Rome and Ireland. Ireland, my ancestries is there. Greece, Rome and Egypt, I would love to see all the ancient buildings and works in the flesh. I could never go inside a Pyramid though! Now, with my anxieties I am scared of travelling there, but I would get any medication to knock myself out with.

Where did you meet your spouse/partner?

We met through a online dating site. I had been dared by my mum to do it, after my last breakup. Normally I spend about 6 months to a year being single after a breakup. Even when I was fine with the breakup. I was dared about a month after my last breakup, we met up a month after that, and have been together ever since.

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