Its just stupid

*all opinions are my own and do not reflect anyone else’s, including my employer*

What gets to me a lot about JKRowlings bigotry, is that its not just insanely harmful. She’s also just an incredibly stupid person. I would say a good 90% of what she says/think is just…stupid. It makes no sense whatsoever, especially when you really look at the facts. It is just mind blowingly stupid. Her most recent thing is to post a picture of a cartoon (so not real life) of a man asking a woman why she’s so toxic. The woman holds up a sign saying “Women’s Rights”.


She posted the picture as some kind of “gotcha”, except. It perfectly represents her cults movement. Its one women, talking with a man, no other women around, and not actually DOING anything for women. Its just a sign that says “Women’s Rights”. As well as saying that she’s toxic because of women’s rights.

Rowling is insanely harmful to women, because her belief is for women to be defined by our genitals. Which never works out well for women. ANY women, at ANY point in History.

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