Gratitude (simple title, but effective)

Daily writing prompt
How do you express your gratitude?

What a great question!

I am not very good with my words, but I do like to give something back in return. That’s how I do it. Its usually something like a small thoughtful gift. I would give money, so that people can buy their own things. I don’t know though, its just feels a little “more” giving someone something that you think might something to them. My Husband, as an example, I tell why him I am grateful for what he did for me, and that usually is enough. Other people I try to buy them a little something, even if its something a simple as flowers.

I have been finding as I get older, when I want to say a thank you type gratitude, I try to get them something cute, but useful. I let them know they can pass it on if they can’t use it or, or find themselves in a jam for someone else. That kind of thing.

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