Yule (June 21st) – Southern Hemisphere

Yule is an ancient festival that celebrates the shortest day and longest night of the year. Traditionally observed by Germanic peoples, Yule marks the point when the sun begins its gradual return, heralding longer days and the promise of renewed life. Yule has deep pagan roots and was historically celebrated with various rituals and customs aimed at honoring nature and ensuring the return of the sun.

Activities included lighting bonfires, decorating with evergreens like holly and ivy, and feasting. The Yule log, often a large piece of wood burned over the twelve days of Yule, is a particularly enduring symbol of this time, representing warmth and the sun’s return.

Since I live in Australia, today is our Yule time. Yule time simply marks the halfway mark in Winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, Yule is a Christian/Pagan Celebration, also known as Christmas. It doesn’t mean though, we “down under” can’t have a celebration either.

For me this year, I am just going to light a candle…maybe two, haha and just say a little prayer/wish.

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