Ranting =D

I am taking a page of the fascinating book that is Paula Light and doing a bit of a “peeve” post, haha.

The more I hear about Chris Rock, the more I’m glad Will Smith did what he did, and the more I get annoyed at “Hollywood”. The more and more I want to thank him. See below:

So you can’t “say gay”, but Republicans are trying to push through a Bill so you can marry under age minors.

The “Safe Too Be Me” LGBTQIA+ conference in the UK, has now had to be cancelled. As it is, in fact, NOT safe to be anyone in the UK right now.

A ban with “loop holes” is not a ban.

Nadine Dorres (spelling) sold off Ch4, despite no one wanting her too.

Lego do make Lego for adults, just like there are teddy bears, dolls, comics, anime, magna, cartoons. Everything kids have, you can get as an adult.

Why did Rowling get so much good luck, when there are far better writers.

Speaking which, she’s now denying that LGBT people were killed by Nazi’s.

What is with people asking if you’ve been raped or not? Then no matter what you say, they either don’t believe you, or somehow you hate women because you don’t hate on trans women because of it.

Then I read a report that said they got a group of Fox News watchers, to watch CNN for three days. Oh, voila, suddenly they weren’t hating on everyone…3 FUCKING DAYS!!! How stupidly led are these people. If you can change your “hardcore” life damaging beliefs in THREE DAYS…WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE!

What world ARE we living right now?

What are we doing!

Tomorrow, I have work all day and then I’m going to be with my mum for a night, but I’m not taking my computer with me. Then I work again all day on Friday. So won’t have access to a computer for like over 24 hours. I will have my phone and charger, so might be able to watch a little streaming.

Let’s see

So when I went to write this post, I didn’t actually know what to write about. You see, I have a gazillion and one thoughts running through my head. Have you ever tried catching up with your thoughts, when you have a gazillion and one running through there at Superman speed!

I am also one of those people who can do three things and nothing all at once, but that’s a story for another day.

This is why I love blogging and wanting to get back into jotting down my thoughts and writings, when I cannot blog. Blogging, I can write a post like this and you all understand where I am coming from. I can write about all the thoughts that are running through my head, and not be able to write them all down at once, and you will all understand.

Too most people, well those who do not blog. I could write a whole heap of nothing, and they wouldn’t understand, you would all still understand.

Not that I’m saying this blog post is a whole bunch of nothing. It’s actually a lot of something.







Some thoughts, about the kitty

I have been getting myself in a bit of a tizzy about the kitty. I have been crying randomly on and off, but it’s been different from my chihuahua. I feel the same gaping hole of something missing, but I’ve been feeling ill telling others about the kitty, whereas I did not have the feeling about the Chihuahua. I’ve been waking up with the puffy eyes, but it’s been different.

So I thought about it, because I don’t feel like I loved one more than the other. I thought maybe it’s because he’s technically my partners cat.

I sat there and I thought about it.

The closest I can think of in my grief, is that the biggest difference was that Chihuahua was a family dog, like she got on well with other humans. But she only really loved her family. Whereas Travie, not a cuddly cat, very independent, but he was loved by everyone. The neighbours loved him, they all helped look for him, the vets loved him. Even though he was not cuddly and he didn’t really like anyone apart from his family, and he was very independent, he was a special little fellow.

He has his own Instagram account for a start, lol. Even though he was very independent and he was not a cuddly cat, he didn’t cause problems in the neighborhood either. He didn’t kill any of the birds or other animals, it was always another cat who did that. The birds would swoop him and he’d play with them, but he never hurt them, they hurt him more than the other way around, lol.

It’s like my brother said, and he’s not always the most emotionally adapted person, lol. Even at the end of the same text message, he said “You could now get a little dog” lol. But like my brother said to begin with, “He’s lived a bloody good life with two humans who loved him more than most cats gets to be loved. A very happy lucky boy”.

I will love and miss you forever my little man ❤ ❤ ❤

Funny thoughts

I thought I would share with you all the weirder thoughts that I have. See if you can relate:

  • Why would anyone get life insurance? (After watching numerous crime shows).
  • If you’ve lived MORE than half your life in #Australia, can only vote in Australia…Then NO, you are not British.
  • Why is it always the people who give no respect to others, demanding that others respect them?
  • There are lot of self victims about.
  • You can’t just not tell welfare/Centrelink that you didn’t work.
  • I just really don’t care what that signature is, lol. (Work related)
  • I am crying over kitty litter. What is up with that!

Too my babies

I don’t know how to think, there’s an emptiness, I can’t see it, but I can feel it.

Where are you?

Are you there?

Is that you in the sky? Was that your cloud? Is that your little paws kneading my stomach?

Is that paw at my knee?

Did you hide in that box?

When I think of you, that hole becomes a little more filled. You may not be here, but I will always smile when I think of you. I guess that means I’m always going to be smiling.

I am one of the lucky few, who gets to be unconditionally loved, not only once in my life, but twice! The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

Breathe in and out, I can still see you there. How can it be that there are two colours winding throughout right. Blue and yellow, winding separately, never interacting. Sad and bright, bright and sad. On the breath of the wind.

Who else?

Is just sick to death of this planet?

I don’t know why so many politicians complain about the Chinese, North Korea or the Ukraine, when they all want to head down that path themselves. How on earth did we get such terrible leaders? Especially in the US, the UK and Australia? Like how stupid are our fellow countrymen?

My mum and I often joke that we wont fight climate change, because humans just do not deserve to be here.

A bit more about 2022

Well, maybe not the greatest of starts.

There must be something we’re all looking forward too though, in 2022? Personally, I am really looking forward to becoming a affiliate on Twitch. But I also want to get my partners spare room sorted out, and in the other create a little “escape” for myself. Until you know, baby makes 4…Hey, the cat is part of our family. I’m not saying I am pregnant, I’m saying if it happens. Then I can change my escape to babies room =D

Even though, it’s Summer here…I am also looking forward too the: lazy hot days where you lie around all day. Watching a favourite movie, and eating that favourite ice-cream. Taking off the bra, oh we know what I’m talking bout =D

Not a theory today…but an opinion and thoughts…The Rittenhouse case

I was not shocked by the outcome of the trial of Rittenhouse

Judge Schroeder blasted over Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: ‘He ‘virtually demanded’ not guilty’

I have only two opinions, one that with a different judge, the case would have gone a lot differently. There needs to be some kind of “rule” that if a Judge is clearly acting with a clear bias, they are taken off. Two, crowd funders REALLY need to rethink what they do, and how they work. Rittenhouse received over two million in donations.

Also though, has Ann Coulter ever actually watched a superhero movie? There are literal video’s of superheroes and how much property damage they incur. Rittenhouse would have total been travelling borders to shoot the superheroes’ Did you all see that picture she posted? It doesn’t make any sense, lol

What I would really like to understand…

What I would really love to know is, and I don’t know if any of you have noticed it as well.

All the transphobic, anti-maskers, anti-vaxers etc. They’re always complaining about the Government trying to control them. Yet, I keep seeing the same Government, be on their side. Johnson, Trump, Morrison are on the side of the, as we call them in Australia, COVIDIOTS. All three were putting money before and above, people.

So which Government is trying to “control” them exactly? They like Morrison, Johnson and Trump, so are they saying they don’t like them controlling them, but they’ll worship them at the same time? It’s just odd. Being the political leader of a country is as political and in Government as you can get.

Then it’s gets weirder for me. As these same politicians are now all vaccinated against COVID, and yet, they encourage people to fight against “Government Control”. I don’t other countries, here in Australia. Pretty much all the politicians got double vaxxed first. However, some of the politicians are all for the Public fighting to not get vaccinated?

Isn’t that weird to people? We actually had one rare politcian, whose not only a state leader, but he said and I quote “I don’t have to get vaccinated, because I don’t deal with the public that much”.

Why are you a STATE leader then, if you don’t deal with the public? It’s not just the public as well, who potentially may get and spread it. It’s your employees as well. If you’re a public official, you are not suddenly immune to COVID. That’s not how it works.