White Women Victimhood Package

Seriously, as a white woman, I would really love to know, lol. Is there some sort of white woman, victimhood package. Where a white woman is completely in the wrong, but then she gets to go on this “Victimhood” tour, where she gets to complain how much SHE was hurt. While the people that have been hurt, are ignored?

I’m talking about:

  • Suzanne Moore
  • Sharon Osbourne
  • Kelly Osbourne
  • All Trumps Media “advisors”.
  • Well, every Trump Government advisor or head of department.
  • Amanda Stoker
  • Bettina Arndt
  • JK Rowling

I know all about free speech, but sometimes I just want to say to these women and some white men too. SHUT UP AND ACTUALLY LISTEN FOR ONCE. Where I hear more about how you are not listening, rather than the people you’re not listening too, it’s actually really embarrassing to me, and I don’t understand how it’s not embarrassing to them? I don’t care that Sharon Osbourne doesn’t understand a WOC point of view, so she got defensive. LISTEN THEN! Shut up and listen. And if you continue not to understand, you most definitely don’t speak over the WOC trying to explain it to you. You will never learn if you’re constantly talking over the people you’re harming.

Just listen white ladies.


5 thoughts on “White Women Victimhood Package

  1. Thank you for calling this stuff out. I’m glad you’re able to listen when it comes to hearing about racial issues out there. I’ll even forgive the Beyonce video because the point of this post is much greater than that.

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