Share Your World…27/01/20

Share Your World 01/27/20

Share Your World


1.  What age would you like to live to?
It depends on the quality of life, if I’m 90 and still going strong, great. If I’m 60 and not doing well, I’d want to keep living, but become a lot easier on myself. I often thought about this when my Grandfather, who had emphysema contract the MRSA hospital bug. One of those little suckers go right into the hole of his lungs, and he could live, but be in hospital the rest of his life. The antibiotics only ever getting to the outside of the virus, so it was never going to disappear. He decided to stop taking the antibiotics, so he ended up dying a lot earlier than he should have. The damn hospital still put his death as emphysema, as they didn’t want to have another MRSA death.

2.  What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
How people think, especially at the the moment. I think the thing that scares me the most, is how quickly people seem to “fall” into cults and thinking, like Trump supporters. They’ve spent their entire lives following God, and then it’s only been 3 and a bit years. 

3.  Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?
It seems too!

4.  What outdoor activity haven’t you tried, but would like to?
I have always wanted to try skiing, but I am to frightened and I am so noT coordinated,lol



Please free free to share some gratitude from your world!
Well my Mum actually has freaked me out this morning, so I am grateful she is still here. Even though she completely has now scared me.

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