Cleaning out my closet

…Kind of. I’m being quiet literally though, with the cooler weather coming in I find it’s been a good time to do some large summer cleaning. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do since the end of November. Between the hot weather and just the general busyness of the holidays, it gets away from you fast. I don’t know about others, but I find the end of year a good time to have a huge clean out. With the present you buy or make for others, I find my house gets cluttered up with boxes and bags.

Enough bags and boxes to get rid of the overflow of things you attain during the Holiday season. Also boxes so you can put old things in to give to charities. As you’ve probably all seen though, the fires have been horrible. So the only energy I’ve had is to give clothes away. Not really get into my room and get into the boxes under beds and ignore the bags full of stuff, stuffed into a cupboard.

This last week though, probably from about Sunday, it has been like Winter. Which you might have seen as well, the flooding that QLD and NSW had too. As the week has gone, it’s getting warmer again., but it’s been cool enough for me to get in. I’ve ended up giving away 4 boxes and 5 bags, so far. I’ve still got “stuff” in my room, that I don’t know what to do with.

The whole point of this post though, is to share with you some things that I have found, even “stuff” from high school, that is still in amazing condition. I also think some may come from when I was a kid, but I’m not 100% sure. That ballet book, definitely did.

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