Just casual like

Recently I visited my local Library on the Thursday and I borrowed out the three books that I had placed on hold (I couldn’t fit them all in my book bag). I started reading one of them and I realised that it was not really an novel, it was more a book with explanations of materials in the actually series of books. I’ve started reading it but I realised that I was just reading it more for a casual type reading.

It made me wonder are there other books that people read, just casually? Do you read books “casually” too. What I mean by “casually” is that it’s not a book you dislike or even find boring, but you are probably going to read it once and that’s it. Instead of reading it all at once, you find that you are reading it in bits and pieces over time. You don’t really find a reason to read it all at once. Maybe a book of poetry or short stories that you read every now and then.

Do you have books that you read just casually?

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